Horizon Depth
The depth of organic horizons is measured upward from zero depth, with zero being the interface between the organic and mineral horizons, In organic soils the depth is measured downward from the top of the profile, and this is taken as zero depth.
Class |
Description |
Abrupt |
< 5mm |
Clear |
5 – 10mm |
Gradual |
11 – 20mm |
Diffuse |
> 20mm |
Class |
Description |
Smooth |
Nearly a plane |
Wavy |
Pockets wider than deep |
Irregular |
Pockets deeper than wide |
Broken |
Discontinuous, some parts are unconnected |
Moisture Status
Some morphological properties of materials described may be affected by their moisture content.
Class |
Description |
Desiccated |
Extremely dry condition; organic tissues will crack or snap when broken or crushed |
Dry |
Moisture is not apparent; material will not rub colour out on fingers |
Moist |
Moisture is apparent; colour will rub out on fingers; if material is squeezed in hand, no water will be observed (generally below field capacity) |
Wet |
If material is squeezed or rubbed in hand, water will be observed (generally below field capacity) |
Saturated |
Water is observed without squeezing or rubbing of material |
The colour of materials within the humus form profile may be of less interpretive significance than that for mineral soil horizons. However, the Munsell Color Chart can also be used to assess the colour of organic horizons.
The term fabric has been applied to the description of structure, consistence and character of organic materials in the humus profile.
A measure of the strength and nature of forces combining materials together, assessed by deformation or rupture when pressure is applied.
Class |
Description |
Loose |
There is no consistence of the material |
Friable |
A material that crumbles easily under gentle pressure |
Firm |
A material that can be crushed under moderate pressure; resistance is noticeable |
Pliable |
Material is soft and plastic |
Resilient |
Material that is springy or elastic and assumes original state after forces of deformation have been applied and released |
Tenacious |
Material is cohesive, not easily pulled apart |
The distinctive quality, or tactility: how the material feels.
Class |
Description |
Mushy |
Materials are wet or saturated, soft and spongy |
Mucky |
Materials are usually wet, smooth and sticky; they contain silt and clay sized mineral particles |
Greasy |
Materials are smooth and greasy when moist and easily workable; fine mineral particles are usually absent |
Gritty |
Refers to a rough tactility produced by mineral granules or coarse fragments |
Leafy |
Refers to the tactility of materials produced by deciduous foliage showing a shingle-like layering (banded structure) |
Mossy |
Refers to the tactility produced by bryophytes with more or less preserved vegetative structures |
Acerose |
Refers to the tactility produced by bryophytes with more or less preserved vegetative structures |
Felty |
Refers to the tactility produced by abundant fungal mycelia |
Fibrous |
Refers to tactility produced by and abundance of fibrous plant residues that do not break down upon rubbing (roots) |
Ligneous |
Refers to the tactility produced by coniferous or deciduous wood fibres |
Crusty |
Refers to a hard and brittle tactility of dry or desiccated materials |
For fine and very fine roots, the surface area of the profile viewed is 2.5cm X 2.5cm while for mediuem, coarse and v. coarse roots, a 25cm X 25cm area is viewed. Both living and dead roots are counted, unless it is very clear that a root is dead.
Class |
Number of roots/unit surface area |
Very few |
< 3 |
Few |
3 – 10 |
Common |
11 – 20 |
Plentiful |
21 – 30 |
Abundant |
>30 |
Class |
Size (diameter in mm) |
Very fine |
< 1 |
Fine |
3 – 10 |
Medium |
11 – 20 |
Coarse |
21 – 30 |
Very Coarse |
>30 |
Class |
Description |
Random |
Roots are oriented in all directions |
Oblique |
Roots are oriented along oblique planes |
Horizontal |
Roots are oriented along horizontal planes |
Vertical |
Roots are oriented along vertical planes |
Non-Conforming Materials
Usually charcoal, decaying wood and mineral coarse fragments. The kind, distribution, size and abundance are described. They may have: Regular Distribution throughout, or Irregular Distribution only in certain parts of the horizon. Abundance refers to the volume by percentage occupied by non-conforming materials for each size class.
Class |
Description |
Random |
Materials are distributed randomly; there is no recognizable, specific pattern of distribution |
Clustered |
Materials are distributed in clusters or groups |
Banded |
Materials are distributed in bands, sheets or layers |
Class |
Diameter(mm) |
Length(mm) |
Very fine |
< 5 |
Fine |
5 – 20 |
Medium |
21 – 100 |
Coarse |
101 – 500 |
Very Coarse |
> 500 |
Class |
Description |
Few |
Occasional and scatted pieces; volume < 5% |
Common |
Frequent occurrence; volume 5 – 20% |
Many |
Numerous, coarse pieces; volume > 20% |
The activity of soil flora and fauna paly such an important role in humus formation that their description cannot be overlooked.
Soil Fauna
Soil fauna are those that pass one or more active stages wholly or largely in the soil or surface litter, excluding those species which occur there only in passive stages such as eggs, cysts or pupae.
Direct observation of fauna or indirect observation through the presence of casts can be used to determine faunal presence – castes provide a good indication of their activity
Size Distribution, shape, colour and level of humification indicate the type of soil fauna that produced casts.
- Mite-type: Small (<0.1mm diameter) spherical/oval, humified, rust to dark brown, lacking mineral grains
- Enchytraeid-type: Small (0.05-0.2mm diameter) sub-spherical, rugose, generally well-humified, brown with varying amounts of mineral grains and clay
- Arthropod-type (and small surface-feeding earthworms): Visible without hand lens (1-3mm long) well-humified, dark brown, containing mineral grains but low in clay
- Worm casts: Well-humified, generally brown or greyish brown, containing mineral grains and clay, spongy or coarse rugose granular structure (5-10mm diameter)

A. Mites (Acarina)
B. Springtails (Collembola)
C. Spiders (Areneida)
D. Fly larvae (Diptera)
E. Beetles and Larvae (Coleoptera)
F. Ants (Hymenoptera)
G. Woodlice (Isopoda)
H. Centipedes and millipedes (Myriapoda)
I. Termites (Isoptera)
J. Earthworms (Lumbricida)
K. Potworms (Enchytraeida)
L. Nematodes (Nematoda)
Class |
Description |
Macrofauna |
Animals with a body size greater than 1cm (in longest dimension); earthworms, vertebrates, molluscs and large arthropods |
Mesofauna |
Animals ranging in body size from 1cm to 0.2mm including some mites, springtails, potworms and most of the larger nematodes. The lower limit is about the limit of viewing with a 10x hand lens. |
Microfauna |
Organisms less than 0.2mm in size; includes the protozoa as well as many of the smaller mites and nematodes |
Class |
Description |
None |
No visible droppings |
Few |
Droppings occasional observed but scattered |
Common |
Droppings commonly observed |
Abundant |
Droppings frequently observed in relatively large numbers throughout the horizon |
Class |
Description |
Random |
Droppings are distributed randomly, there is no recognizable pattern of distribution |
Clustered |
Droppings are distributed in clusters or groups |
Banded |
Droppings are distributed in bands, sheets or layers |
Soil Flora
Bacteria, actinomycetes, algea and fungi. Description is usually narrowed to fungi in the field. Fungi include: Rusts, moulds, yeasts and mushrooms. Presence is detected by observing a mass of hyphae (thread-like filaments) called mycelium. Colours include brown, black, grey, white, red, yellow and blends of these or transparent. Description includes abundance, colour and distribution.
Class |
Description |
None |
Mycelia not visible |
Few |
Mycelia occasionally present but scattered and not easily observed |
Common |
Mycelia commonly observed |
Abundant |
Mycelia observed continuously throughout the horizon, often “matting” materials together and creating a “felty” tactility |
Class |
Description |
Random |
Mycelia are distributed randomly, there is no recognizable pattern of distribution |
Clustered |
Mycelia are distributed in clusters or groups |
Banded |
Mycelia are distributed in bands, sheets or layers |